virtual assistant Work work culture work from home work life balance

Why it is important to Hire a Virtual Assistant?

What is the relevance of a  Virtual Assistant: A growing business also means a continuous growth of a heavy workload. A dynamic business environment brings not only a lot of new challenges and exciting opportunities for big and small business owners but also, they need to be successful and competitive. Virtual assistants would be the […]


The Entrepenuers Dilemma Managing Clients On Your Day Off!

A day off from the routine support system? For most employees, working in the virtual assistance office means you are completely available for your clients. While in the office, most of our Virtual Assistants communicate with our clients face to face or via phone answering services and email. You know in your heart that you […]


What I Learned From Star Trek And How It Helped Supercharge My Career

As I look back over my life I can see where women in the movies and on TV have paved the way for me to be where I am right now. I grew up at a time when women were not really being welcomed into the main stream of life. They were starting to make […]

client open conversation virtual assistant Work

Top 10 Things That A Virtual Assistant Would Say To A Client If They Could

Virtual assistants, whether their clients recognize it or not, run the business. They are the people who make all the top executives look good and make corporate visions a reality. To put it unkindly they do the grunt work so everyone else can shine. All too often they are under paid, over worked and taken […]

Work work culture work from home work life balance

How to Make Work From Home Work for You

Work from Home works? According to some researchers, the answer is yes, working from home can be harmful to your health. According to our own internal research with our best virtual assistant services, ANY work is harmful to you. However, our employees may be a little biased. Basically, the issue here is that there is […]